14.In the,a middle school football conference,each team plays every other team exactly once.If a total of 21 conference games were played during the 2012 season,how many teams were members of the BIG N conference?
This problem is very similar to a handshake problem.We use the formula to usually find the number of games played (or handshakes).Now we have to use the formula in reverse.
So we have the equation Solving,we find that the number of teams in the BIG N conference is .
14.In theBIG N,a middle school football conference,each team plays every other team exactly once.If a total of 21 conference games were played during the 2012 season,how many teams were members of the BIG N conference?
This problem is very similar to a handshake problem.We use the formula n(n-1)/2 to usually find the number of games played (or handshakes).Now we have to use the formula in reverse.n(n-1)/2=21
人气:244 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 08:45:56
这个应该是题目做法解析吧,但前一个和后一个都有不全的地方.I wonder why……
(14.In the,a middle school football conference,each team plays every other team exactly once.If a total of 21 conference games were played during the 2012 season,how many teams were members of the BIG N conference?)
因此我们有了这个方程的解,我们解出队伍的数量为 (为什么就没了啊!)
(This problem is very similar to a handshake problem.We use the formula to usually find the number of games played (or handshakes).Now we have to use the formula in reverse.
So we have the equation Solving,we find that the number of teams in the BIG N conference is .)
(14.In theBIG N,a middle school football conference,each team plays every other team exactly once.If a total of 21 conference games were played during the 2012 season,how many teams were members of the BIG N conference?)
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