> 其他 >
从深层次来看,“国考”作为最高规格的人才选拔,有着举足轻重的社会示范效应.如果到头来“国考”都无法摒弃就业歧视的陈旧观念,甚至反其道而行之,那“就业歧视”这股歪风就极有可能沉渣泛起,到时候损害的将不仅是国考考生利益,而是整个就业环境的公平公正 除了可能降低国考的公正和公信外,如果将其置于当前大学生就业难的宏大背景下考量,更多关于资源与机会分配不平等、社会阶层的日趋固化的现实顾虑和深切隐忧呼之欲出
人气:106 ℃ 时间:2020-09-18 23:24:33
consieder it in-depth, national recruitment exam sets an irreplaceable social example as the highest level of recruitment of talents .if this exam can not remove the out-dated notion of job sidcrimination,or even doing the opposite,the distort trend of job discrimination may recurrent which not only impair the rihgts and interests of us,but the justice and fairness of the employment as a whole,
if we put it under the consideration of lower employment of graduated students ,more worrying about uneven distribution of resources and oppotunities as well as the forming of social classes would grow which lower the fairness and public trust of the exam ,
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