whom did he visit at the a village fair?还有一句whom did she tell him they had to meet at .
对于人称代词做宾语提问时必须要用whom是吧?但是在从句中的时候 也可以用who 我说的对吗?
第一句我知道whom是visit的宾语,但是第二句whom是谁的宾语 到底是tell的还是meet的?个人觉得应该是tell的,但是they had to meet at .又不知道做什么成分了,因为这样的话这个句子已经有2个宾语了him/ whom那么they had to meet at .做什么呢?如果做meet 的宾语 我还没见过 连接词跟后面的句子离那么远的,这样说不更好吗?she tell him whom (who) they had to meet at .这样tell 有两个宾语him和whom后面的
我想了一下she tell him whom (who) they had to meet at ....是不是 就是对连接词whom提问的呢?这样用who whom/who did she tell him they had to meet at ...
人气:305 ℃ 时间:2020-05-10 08:04:16
1.whom did he visit at the a village fair?这句话中 whom是visit的宾语,因为是疑问句,whom被提前.可以用who取代.
2.whom did she tell him they had to meet at the a village fair ?本句中she tell him 是主句部分的主谓宾,they had to meet at the a village fair 是主句的另一个宾语,因为这个宾语是个从属于主句的句子,所以这里叫宾语从句.这个宾语从句中,meet 后面的宾语就是whom,被提到了整个句子的句首用来提问形成疑问句.还原成陈述的语序是:she told him they had to meet whom at the a village fair .
- whom did she tell him they had to meet at the station?求翻译.及为什么用whom提问,而不用who
- whom did she tell him they had to meet at the station?这个句子中是不是宾补从句中的宾语提问?请指教
- 128. ______ is what she wants to know. a. Who to do it b. Whom to do it c. Who does it do d. Whom d
- He got to the village_____he wanted to visit.定语从句,求详解
- and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to meet
- 请问英语in after 能在一起用吗?
- 2,5,10,13,26,(),(),61,122的规律是什么
- 6号用英语怎么说?