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请英语高手翻译一下这段英文 是关于email的发明者的介绍 我的英语并不好 谢谢各位了!
Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (born 1941, Amsterdam, New York) is a programmer who implemented an email system in 1971 on the ARPANET. Email had been previously sent on other networks such as AUTODIN and PLATO. It was the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts connected to the ARPAnet Previously, mail could be sent only to others who used the same computer). To achieve this, he used the @ sign to separate the user from their machine, which has been used in email addresses ever since.
The first email Tomlinson sent was a test e-mail. It was not preserved and Tomlinson describes it as insignificant, something like "QWERTYUIOP". This is commonly misquoted as "The first e-mail was QWERTYUIOP".Tomlinson later commented that these "test messages were entirely forgettable and I have, therefore, forgotten them."
At first, his email messaging system wasn't thought to be a big deal. When Tomlinson showed it to his colleague Jerry Burchfiel, he said "Don't tell anyone! This isn't what we're supposed to be working on."
人气:380 ℃ 时间:2020-02-05 20:31:54
最初,他发明的邮件信息系统没有被认为是一件大事.当汤姆林森将这一发明展示给他的同事Jerry Burchfiel时,Jerry说:不要告诉任何人!(发明这个东西)这不是我们应该去做的事.
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