> 英语 >
George is going to have a dinner at the resterent this evening.提问repair the old cars.
人气:284 ℃ 时间:2020-04-23 09:44:58
不懂你的问题哎~能说的清楚一点蛮~就是这一句英语 对repair the old cars进行提问、、George is going to have a dinner at the resterent this evening 是说 george 今晚将在一家餐馆吃晚饭。 repair the old cars 是说修旧车~ 提问到底是提什么问啊~额 表示问题发错了George is going to have a dinner at the resterent next week然后提问、、、提问 可以对时间 地点 人物 事件提问。 你想用哪个~对事件提问、、what is George going to do at the resterant this evening?
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