The software of the terminal controller include
ZigBee protocol stack and application program.The ZigBee protocol stack consists of physical layer,link layer and network layer.The duty of physical layer is management of data transmitting and receiving; Link layer provide reliable data transmission service and manage the link layer; Network layer have the duty to construction network and manage the network members[8][9].Application program is designed by CodeWarrior environment and the application program’s interface to ZigBee protocol stack is RS232
bus.Below,application program is discussed.First,the microprocessor initializes all register and function module,such as watchdog,timer,interrupt,SPI module,I/O port etc.Second,it moves to the main cycle to collect the status of the road lighting system and wait for valid data from the ZigBee network.And then,the received data is processed and analyzed.Last,
according to the received valid data,the corresponding command is implemented and then the executive result is delivered to the controlling centre.The application program flow chart is shown in Fig.6.
人气:161 ℃ 时间:2020-03-16 13:15:01
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