Holle.Wearestudents fromThailand ,andwewanttosavethe elephants.The elephantisoneThailand撇ssymbols. Our firs flag had a white elephantonit.Thisisasymbol of good luck.
Elepantare smart animals. They canplay soccer or music.They can also draw very well.People say that “an elephantnever forgers”. Elephants can walk for along time and never get lost .They canremember placewith food and water .This helpsthem tolive
But elephants areingreatdanger .People cut down many trees so elephants arelosing ther ivory.Todaythere are only about3000 elephants
(over100000before)Wemust save the trees and notbuy things madeof
ivory . Remember that March 13 Thai Elephant Day.
人气:190 ℃ 时间:2019-08-16 21:29:10
你敢不敢发个图,或者打出来.初中毕业这么多年,上那找书啊?速度啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊第一段是说你来自泰国想保护大象,因为大象是泰国的象征第二段是说大象很聪明,会踢球,画画,跳舞。记忆力也好,记忆力帮助大象生活。第三段是说因为人类破坏森林,大象数量不多了,大约还有3000.人类必须保护森林。最后那里说3月13日是大象保护日。 大概意思就这样了