> 英语 >
①人们抱怨当地政府在处理污染问题上力度不够.【people accused the local of the government that they is not enough in setting the pollution】
②只要你尽力而为,即使将来失败也没有人会指责你.【as long as you try to do your best,there will not be some blame to you,even if you is to be the fail 】
③他告诉我要慢慢来,没有必要提前完成这项工作.【he tells me thati should make it step by step,and i don't have to finish this work in advance】
④我们推迟了这个会议,以便能够更好地应付紧张的局势【my delayed the meeting,in order that we could settle the tense situation】
对不起,抄错了,sorry:第四句:::we(不是my) delayed the meeting,in order that we could settle the tense situation】
人气:111 ℃ 时间:2020-06-10 01:35:39

People complained that the local government hadn't solved the pollution problem properly. 

As long as you have made great efforts, nobody will blame you even if you fail in the future.

He told me to take it easy, and I didn't have to complete the work in advance/ahead of time.

I put off the meeting in order to deal with the tense situation. 

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