.Jefferson Country
Serving the community
October 10th,2006
Dear sirs and Madams
I am the general manager of a governmental agency that provides comprehensive park and recreation services to the entire community.
I would like to recommend and introduce you to Dan Broadbent.Dan served the Jefferson county parks and recreation as a professional employee and volunteer soccer coach from 1995 to 2006 when he moved to Thailand.
Dan is completely trustworthy in any professional school.Volunteer or business organization Dab us also extremely intelligent,honest,hard working and diligent.He can be given complex assignments and left to handle them himself .He can be relied upon to represent the organization he works very well with other and is easy to manage and supervise.
He is well liked by all of his fellow employees because of his positive attitude and calm demeanor.
Dan is one of the most respected individuals in the community because of his record of helping others by volunteering.Though he worked full time he always found time to help others.We are sad to see Dan go and we will miss him.Please feel free to call,email or write to me at anytime for more information about Dan.
Sincerely Yours
Mathew Tyler
人气:391 ℃ 时间:2020-06-06 15:35:10
我希望向您介绍Dan Broadbent(这是一个人名).Dan作为一个专业的雇员及义务的足球训练,已经从1995年开始为Jefferson County(这是一个地名)服务,直到他在2006年搬到泰国为止.
Mathew Tyler
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