> 英语 >
1.下周Green High School 要组织学生们到养老院(the Old People's Home)做义工,Andy也想做一名志愿者,但他不知道能做些什么有意义的事情,请你给他提供一些建议.
(1)You could .
2.上周末你和你的同学去养老院(the Old People's Home)做义工,你们度过了一个怎样的一天呢?请用日记的形式回忆那天所做的事,以及感受和今后如何更好的关爱帮助老人的计划.
April 4th,2011 sunny
英语好的同学写一篇范文给我参考 .
人气:337 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 06:17:31
Last Sunday we went to visit the Old People's Home. We set out early in the morning and brought them lots of warmness. We gave them many books and lots of fruits. We talked with them happily and told them lots of interesting stories. We helped them wash their clothes and clean the rooms. We even taught them how to use computers. We were very happy and so were the old. When we had to say goodbye to them, they really didn't want us to go. They thanked us a lot and we really moved by them. Although we did very little,it meant a lot to the old. So next time, if we had chance, we would come again.
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