Thanks so much for your email.I would like to meet you in person if you dont mind.However i have't get married at my age you and i know that to meet someone who can love for real in life is not easy,I have someone that i love so much in my life before but she broke up with me cos she has get what she wont from me,i will tell you about her when we chat if you want to know why we broke up.I dont have sisters/brother am the only one my dad and mum has as a baby but like i told you on my last email they pass away when i was 18,it was not easy for me when that happen to me because i was a student at that time affer everything i got my degree.Then join the company where my dad was working i have my own business that i manage now,
人气:154 ℃ 时间:2019-09-01 05:06:24
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