One of the strangest jobs at the Oscars is that of a seat-filler.When one of the stars needs to go to the bathroom,a seat-filler sits in the star’s seat.That way,the TV cameras won’t show any empty seats.Kathy Miller talks about her night as a seat-filler.
(A) I was told to reach the theater in the middle of the day,wearing my dress for the evening.There were about 200 of us seat-fillers,all very excited.We were told what we should and shouldn’t do (for example,“Don’t talk to the stars”),and then (B)我们一直等到五点钟.That’s when the stars started coming.
The show started at six o’clock.We had to stand outside the doors.Then,when someone came out to go to to the bathroom or have a cigarette,we were told to go and sit in their seat.(C) The show was three hours long,and I only sat down five times.By the end,I was really tired,but I was happy because,during the evening,I sat behind Jim Carrey (he’s very tall!) and close to Denzel Washington,Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts.It was an exciting night,but I think (D) _____________ year I’ll watch the Oscars on TV at home like everyone else!
16、将划线部分(A)改写成I was told to ___________ at the theater at ___________.
人气:119 ℃ 时间:2020-05-06 16:18:40
16.I was told to arrived dressed for the evening at the theater at noon.17....and then we waited until 5 o'clock.18.整个晚会三个小时,我只坐下了五次.19.next 20.excited,happy
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