> 英语 >
[Sweet Talk]
There is sweet talk in your eyes.
Full of feeling and passion.
It made me fall in love.
My heart was filled with desire .
and my life became a dream.
Why are you hurting my heart.
You don't say the passion that is in your eyes.
Mean in while night and day.
I long for you,my darling.
I swear my eyes never saw anything.
like what I've seen with you
Oh my fire dominates me .
and melted me in your love.
人气:328 ℃ 时间:2019-12-13 17:29:24
可翻译为:[Sweet Talk]甜蜜畅谈There is sweet talk in your eyes.这是君眸中甜蜜的畅谈Full of feeling and passion.充满着情感与激情It made me fall in love.令我深爱不已My heart was filled with desire .我心...
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