1.take six letters away from CHCOLATE,and you can make something you wear with the letters that are left.What is it?
2.What part of London is in France?
3.I have cities but no houses,forest but no trees,rivers without water.What am
4.What city is a famous president?
5.What starts with T,ends with T,and is fun of
6.What is it that you cannot see,but it is always before you?
7.What is that we never borrow but often return?
8.What is that we never borrow but often return?
9.What is taken from you before you get in?
10.What is there in your house that ought to be looked into?
11.I'm in the MOON.I'm in the FIRST.Walking to school on me.I walk every day.You have two.I have two and she has two.What am
12.Sea:Why are you so rich?
River:Because I have two _____________.
13.The neighbour called the tall man"cold fish",because he never helped others.What's the meaning of "cold fish"here?
A.冻鱼肝油 B.冷酷无情的人 C.忙人 D.杀手 E.间谍
14.Long long ago,a man crossed a river by boat.His sword fell off into the river.He cut a mark on the boat in order to find his sword.What is this story called in Chinese?
15.What is the word that becomes shorter if you add"er" to it?
1What have two legs but cannot walk?
2.Why do people go to bed?
人气:115 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 06:28:12
2 字母 N
3 It's a map.(地图)
4 Washington
5 Teapot茶壶
7 home
9 time
10 mirror 镜子
11 foot
12 bank(银行,又意河岸)
13 B
14 刻舟求剑
15 short
脑筋急转弯 1 compasses圆规
2 because people can not fly to bed.
- 王大爷带着一头猪,一条狗和一筐菜过一条河,因为船太小,一次只能带一件东西一同过河.但他不在时,狗要咬猪,猪要吃菜.请你想一想,应该怎样安排,才能安全过河?
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