People have cut down millions and millions of trees.对画线millions and millions of提问
Someone knows what we should do to pretect the animals.改为同义句怎么改
人气:235 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 07:54:51
How many treeshave people cut down?Someone knows what we should do to pretect the animals.改为同义句怎么改Someone knows the way to pretect the animals.
- Millions of words have been writeen about young people in the United States.There are r______
- His writings have i____ the life of millions of people.
- 就括号部分提问:People get fruit and oil from (trees).People cut (millions of) trees every year.
- 组句 have ,millions ,dogs ,people ,for ,kept ,of ,years .
- people have kept dogd for millions of years?对for millions of years提问
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- 英语翻译
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