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Topic:A General Introduction to HUHST(Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology)
我校的校训是“谋近以致远 养根而俟实”,校风是“人才至上 仁爱满园”,这使得我们学校在教学的道路上走的更远更稳.
人气:362 ℃ 时间:2020-03-21 09:54:59
I am a student from Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology, which was a comprehensive state university approved by the Ministry of Education, found in 1978. Locating in Loudi in Xiangzhong New Town of Hunan, the campus is 1050 acres with beautiful environment and pleasant weather.
It is the only university that provide undergraduate courses in Loudi with powerful teacher resources and nice studying environment. Here you can have access to a library with a rich collection of printed references and buildings includinga large classroom building, fully-equipped English laboratories and a fancy art building.
Again, the campus is full of green and flower with bird singing all the time. There is also a spacious Haiyuan Square and a garden.
The mission statement of our university is that to seek the nearest for further development and to stand still through building a strong base. Moreover, the spirit of our university is that supreme brilliance, loving and caring. It is them that make our university a firm road to drive on.
I love my university. I hope it can achieve more in the future.
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