> 英语 >
希望得到详细的答复 .
1.the team really looks good tonight because the coach had them ____ every night this week .
A practising B to practise C practised D practise
2.for these reasons ____ theoretical work has appeared on this subject during the past four decades.
A deal of B a number of C a great deal of D piece of
3.Irish weddings are almost certain to ____ in this way for generations.
A have celebrating B be celebrated C have celebrated D have been celebrated
4.We don't deny that the quality of your products is superior to ____ of japanese make.
A those B that C one D ones
人气:379 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 05:15:37
1.C,have sb.done是“要求某人做某事”的意思!2.C,“work”为不可数名词3.B,主语“Irish weddings ”与谓语“celebrate”是被动关系4.B,这里要选的代词是来代指“the quality of ”的,他要考察的是用复数名词“produ...
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