A:How have you benn?
B:I have been ok.I am really busy with school.We really should get together and catch up.How about joint me for dinner tonight?
catch up:熟络
reference:1.In the evening we all got dressed up to go to a ball nearby,and over dinner I had a good chance to 'catch up' with some friends I hadn't seen for years,and meet various husbands too!
[Miscellaneous unpublished text from Chambers].u.p.,n.d.,pp..614 s-units.
2.Over 40 former staff took the opportunity to 'catch up' with old friends and discuss their pension queries with Beryl Aldridge from Pensions Department,Hammersmith.
[Misc unpublished -- Wimpey newsletter].u.p.,n.d.,pp..1680 s-units.