We must come to understand that light is always accompanied by darkness.We must welcome solitude in the shadows,and embrace new knowledge in the light in order to improve our own personal qualities,thereby adapting to the ever-more intensely competitive society.
Thus,no matter what,"we" should avoid being this kind of person:someone who sacrifices his dignity to adapt to life.
♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,update 翻译为中文是 “更新” 没错,可是在英文里 update 一般都是用来形容 “更新” 到最新的版本 这个意思。比如 update the numbers, update the files, update the disk, update your laptop. 意思都是,把旧版本更新到最新的版本。更新知识,里的 “更新” 不应该用update 因为 知识 不是像 files,numbers 一样有个 “最新版本” 因此不能用 update 这个词来形容,否则读起来特别别扭。觉得挺别扭的,要么 Anyhow, we should avoid..或者 We should avoid ____ anyhow.We should anyhow + verb 这种说法很少见到。最好是——Anyhow, we should avoid being this type of person no matter what :最好这样用——Anyhow, we should avoid being this type of person no matter what :