on this way与 in this way
人气:167 ℃ 时间:2020-03-31 13:19:30
in the way 妨碍的 Her social life got in the way of her studies.她的社交生活妨碍了学业. in a way 在某种程度上 The work is well done in a way.从某种程度上说,这工作做得不错.in this way这样 . 用这...
- in the way,on the way,by the way,in this way,in a way的用法,要明细
- in the way,on the way,in a way,in this way的区别
- in the way in this way on the way in a way的意思区别
- in the way,in a way,in this way,on the way to ...,by the 有何区别?急用.
- in the(this) way的不同 ,by(on) the way的不同
- 请问在英文中J和G的标准发音是怎么读的?
- 人在剧烈运动时骨骼肌细胞进行的是有氧呼吸还是无氧呼吸
- 用可变焦的光学照相机可以把远处的景物“拉近”进行拍摄,就是说,虽然被拍摄的景物与照相机镜头之间的距离基本不变,但仍可以使底片上所成的像变大.关于这个过程,下列说法中正确