it is autumn in china,what's weather like in australia?
人气:288 ℃ 时间:2019-10-23 05:39:29
It is spring in Australia.
- what s the weather ____ in autumn
- What's the weather like in autumn?
- what's the weather like in Beijing in autumn?怎么答?
- What's the weather like there in autumn?怎么回答
- 连词成句:the ,like,in,weather ,what’s ,autumn,)
- 高中几道英语单选
- (be)there any water in the bottle?
- A、B两地相距12千米,早上8点甲从A地以6千米/时的速度出发到B地办事,8点10分乙从B地以比甲快2千米的速度骑车到A地玩,两人在途中第一次相遇;相遇后甲乙继续按原速前进,甲到B地后花20分钟办事后立即按原速返回,乙在相遇后因为掉链修车耽
- 观察一组数的规律;0,3,8,15,24,等等,按照上述规律排列的第100个数是?
- 2.I have never seen the young man___ next to the director.A) sits B) sitting C) sat D) to sit
- 在项数为2n+1的等差数列中,所有奇数项的和为165,所有偶数项的和为150,则n等于( ) A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12
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- 如图,已知平行四边形ABCD中,AE⊥BC,AE与BD交于点G,且DG=2AB,角BDC=25°,求角ABD
- 在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线y=ax2+bx+3与x轴的两个交点分别为A(-3,0)、B(1,0),过顶点C作CH⊥x轴于点H.