人气:368 ℃ 时间:2019-08-22 08:22:43
When the Tangshan big earthquake healed,when east 98 year flood disaster great river goes time,works as in February the storm by the will of the people warming time.on May 12!is this on May 12,a earth bang,Wenchuan by card on destiny pharynx and larynx.macroseism,rainstorm,mud-rock flow,I saw path collapsing,the house ash flies the smoke to extinguish.I see old person,the middle age,also has these the children who ringing studies,like this vanishes outside very close the horizonOn.why does in the my eye contain the tears completely?that is under the ruins,has the sound micro rest and still resounding,“I also am living now,I am very happy.” that is above the cloud layer,the 4999 meters upper airs,the jumping paratrooper complements the earth most propitious clouds,has an old person,he takes constant care of the many affairs of sate.still day and night body near most frontal zone.in remnant wall and in frequent shake,he the healthy back,looks like a big stable wall,All disasters will keep them out.
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