> 英语 >
41. These glasses cost me ___ the last pair I bought.
A two times more thanB three tines as much as
C twice as muchD as much two times as
42. He failed to pass the examination three times but ____, he passed it .
A at the end B at the last
C in the end D at least
43. ____of her parents visited Shenyang ?
A Has both B Has eitherC Have allD Have either
44. They held ____the banner of revolutionary struggle.
A highB highlyC tallD in height
45. Mary is a hardworking and ____ office worker.
A effectiveB effectivelyC efficient D efficiently
46. This song is pretty easy ____.
A to be sung B to singC singD being sung
47. ____away from the noise, he was considering ____ to the suburbs of London.
A Being moving B To be moving
C Being to moveD To be to move
48. we must do away with some business practices ____ with the growth of the economy.
A interferesB interferingC interferedD being interfered
49. Maggie ran into the kitchen, eggs ___ carefully in her hand.
A to be heldB were heldC heldD holding
50. They called at every door ____ people to buy their products.
A .urgedB .urging C .having urgedD .being urged
人气:218 ℃ 时间:2020-07-02 14:23:35
41. B这副眼镜比我上次买的那副贵两倍.
42. C他考试三次不及格了,不过最后终于及格了.
43. B她的父母有去过沈阳的吗?
44. B他把革命条幅高高举起.
45. CMary工作很努力,而且很得力.
46. B这支歌很好听而且唱起来很上口.
47. C为了远离噪音,他考虑住在伦敦郊区.
48. C我们必须做些事情来促进经济增长.
49. CMaggie手中小心的握着鸡蛋,跑进厨房.
50. B他们挨家挨户推销产品.
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