1.It is vitally important that the problem be solved before the meeting is held .
1. 保证问题在会议开始之前解决是至关重要的.
2.Because of the hidden rocks, navigation is difficult on this river.
2. 由于有暗礁,在这条河里航行非常困难.
3.The government's encouragement gave fresh impetus to these reforms.
3. 政府的鼓励给这些改革带来强劲推动力.
4.The matter involves a series of problems, such as patent, pricing of equipment and sales volume of the product.
4. 此事涉及一系列问题,比如专利权、设备定价以及产品销量.
5.In the present circumstances they are unlikely to risk holding an election.
5. 在当前情形下,他们不大可能冒险进行选举.