CDS systems associated with CPOE typically have attempted to use drug–drug interactions,or more recently drug–laboratory interactions,to reduce medication errors.The drug–problem list alerts described here attempt to exploit the relationship between medications and problems (ie,diagnoses,indications).These alerts have been shown to improve problem list documentation.14 15 Although problem list documentation always has been thought of as a means to improve patient care,24 and is required by both the Joint Commission25 and meaningful use,1 our study demonstrated that drug–problem list alerts have an additional,beneficial effect:they help to intercept wrong-patient medication errors.Safeguards against wrong-patient errors can be implemented at multiple points in the medication ordering sequence,detecting and correcting problems before,during,and after data entry.The indication alerts we studied function during data entry,and can be implemented independently or in combination with other safeguards.
人气:369 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 04:38:22