1. 每款产品/包装完成后剩余物料清楚干净,换款前必须及时挂出来正确签样.
2. 加强重点工位的控制,要求LQC对成品百分百全检.
3. 生产车间进行培训加强员工的的品质意识,并要求员工须自检和互检
4. 生产拉长、主任、QC 每隔2H将会对检查工位进行监督并不断得提醒员工,从而加深员工对自身工作的责任心;
人气:101 ℃ 时间:2019-10-30 14:29:19
1. Every product packaging to complete the remaining items when clear, clean, change must be hanging out in a timely manner before the correct sign - like. 2. Strengthening key - position control, asked lqc to absolutely all inspection of finished products. 3. Training workshops to enhance staff awareness of quality, and requiring employees to self test and each test 4. Production of the Long, director, QC every 2h will have to check station monitored and constantly remind our staff, so as to enhance its own staff of responsibility ;