> 英语 >
In this book we are interested primarily in culture as it is experienced by
those living in new cultural communities.Hall’s view of culture as a
system of shared meaning and expectations fits well with the way that
expatriates describe their intercultural learning experiences.Overwhelmingly,
when they talk of their experience abroad,they talk about their
experiences in terms of cultural difference or perhaps ‘patterns of
difference’.Jack,for example,when talking about his relationships with
Japanese says:
The Japanese I know – the students – treat me with respect ...my
students,they respect a professional.They heap adoration on me.
How much of it is legit and how much of it is typical Japanese overpoliteness,
I don’t know.
人气:290 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 21:34:05
在这本书中我们主要对文化感兴趣,因为有那些生活在新文化群的人的存在 志远的文化的观点用他外在的描述这些文化群的人的内在的文化学习经验的方式呈现的很好并且他的观点属于分享的意义和期待的系统 .比如很强有力的...
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