> 其他 >
3.afterwards=later/then4 .mind=care about
5.recommend=to say sth good6.got to=reach/arrive
7.plenty=enough/a lot of 8.care=look after
9.as a matter of fact=in fact=in reality10remind=help sb remember
11.manage=succee in dong 12.manage= be able to deal with 13.prefer…to=like..better than 14.suggest=advise
15.(what) kind of=what sort of16.lie in=be located
17.appreaiate=thank for 18.nearly=not far away
19.path=narrow road20.a variety of=a different kind of
21.glad=feel happy about it22.nerous=afriad and worry
23.keep still=stay quiet24.pull off=take …away
25.come true=come real 26.raise=put up
27.perfeatly=without mistakes28.shocked at=very surprised
29.force=make sb to do 30.think of=come up with
31.disappear=out of sight 32.cry with joy=cry happily
33.touch=put the hand on 34.let…down=make…disappoint
35.distant=far away 36.learn by heart=remember
37.shortly=soon/at once 38.had a curiosity=feel curioy
39. regard as=be consider to be /look on …as /think of
40. willing to do=would like to do(愿意做…)
41.make full use of=take advantage of(利用)42.wealthy=rich
43.on the contrary=instead44.survive=still live
45.glance=take a quick look 46.raise one’s voice=speak loudly
47.illegal=not allow48.dislight=happy
49.at all costs=to do anyth possible50.take action=doing sth
51.confidently=in confident 51.not all = some
53.afraid=frightened 54.view=opinion
55.shelters=speases to live56.long=in lenght
57.visit=calling on58.disagree=do noy agree
59.what’s up?=what’swrong? 60.fly to…=by plance
人气:233 ℃ 时间:2020-03-31 20:49:28
1.提供 2.合适的 3.后来 4.在乎 5.建议 6.到达 7.足够的 8.照顾 9.事实上 10.提醒 11.成功做某事 12.做成某事 13.更喜欢 14.建议 15.什么种类 16.在于 17.多亏了,表示感激
18.近 19.小路 20.各种各样的 21.高兴的
22.nervous:紧张的 23.保持安静 24.把.带走 25.实现 26.提出 27.完美地 28.对.感到震惊 29.强迫 30.想出 31.消失 32.喜极而泣
33.触摸 34.令.失望 35.远的 36.用心记
37.很快 38.好奇 39.把.看作 42.富有的
43.相反的 44.幸存 45.一瞥 46.大声说 47.非法地 48.高兴的 49.不惜一切代价做某事
50.采取措施,行动 51.自信地 52.一些 53.害怕的 54.观点 55.栖息地 56.长 57.拜访
58.不同意 59.怎么了?发生了什么?
60.乘飞机(by plane)
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