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A Letter to John
Dear John,
Warmest greetings to you during this very special sason of the year.Perhaps you are appreciating this time new eyes this year.
How is your job?And your family I hope all are well.THe children are growing up quickly.They are doing well this year in school.Ella and I are busy teaching.I an dong alot of music,singing and directing these days.
We get together with visiting Chinese students from time to time .It's great ,but it makes then homesick for Wuhan!
Many blessings to you .
人气:114 ℃ 时间:2020-06-17 06:47:13
\给约翰的一封信上亲爱的约翰,在今年这个的非常特别季节期间对你的最温暖的问候.也许你今年正在感激新的展观.你的工作好吗?你的家庭好吗 我希望全部很好.孩子正在快速的茁壮成长.他们在学校中做得好今年.埃拉和我是...
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