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求英文高手解答!跪求英文达人,解读莎士比亚 All's well that ends well的一段monologue!急!高分悬赏
Verse Countess:
What angel shall
Bless this unworthy husband? he cannot thrive,
Unless her prayers, whom heaven delights to hear,
And loves to grant, reprieve him from the wrath
Of greatest justice. Write, write, Rinaldo,
To this unworthy husband of his wife;
Let every word weigh heavy of her worth
That he does weigh too light: my greatest grief,
Though little he do feel it, set down sharply.
Dispatch the most convenient messenger:
When haply he shall hear that she is gone,
He will return; and hope I may that she,
Hearing so much, will speed her foot again,
Led hither by pure love. Which of them both
Is dearest to me I have no skill in sense
To make distinction. Provide this messenger.
My heart is heavy and mine age is weak;
Grief would have tears, and sorrow bids me speak.
To whom is he/she speaking? Why?
What does it reveal? What does it suggest?
Example: Their character or personality, their relationship, their status, their history together, their hopes etc
What are the feelings? What is the tension?
请用英文回答. 好的加悬赏分.谢谢!
人气:144 ℃ 时间:2020-05-31 18:34:35
wait a sec,i need to read it thru
To whom is he/she speaking?Why?
She is speaking to Rinaldo.Because Rinaldo has a disgraceful husband who treats her badly.
However,you can not tell exactly if it is a She or a He speaking in the text.姑娘,你快吧,我太感动了...顺便提一句,我班长也叫AshleyWhat does it reveal? What does it suggest? In the context, the author is stating the husband is not worthy and that he can not thrive.That he does weigh too light. It is suggesting that the husband is being mean and unworthy and the wife who is regarded as Rinaldo is kind and loving and a present from the heaven. The author urges the wife to leave the husband. Their character or personality, their relationship, their status, their history together, their hopes etctheir relationship: you can not know for sure. The author is probably a senior member of the family and made the girl Rinaldo marry him because the context is of great regret and the author even states in the context that she is grief and her age is weak. What are the feelings? What is the tension?The feeling is of great sympathy, regret and sorrow. The author urgesRinaldo to leave her husband but she is afraid thatRinaldo's husband will trace after her and will not let her go.其实那个what does it reveal的问题不只局限于我举的那些例子,不知道你能不能再说多一点。还有,关于tension那部分能不能在多说一点?? 谢谢,姑娘你英文肯定过八级了actually, that is pretty much it. It is as far as I can get from the context. This text is clearly written from an elderly. She starts by condamning the husband and praising the girlRinaldo for her loveliness and regrets that she put them together. Then she urges the girl to leave but she is afriad the husband will trace after them. at the end, she lets her sorrow and regret be explicit.
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