when we borrow books we must obey rules we can borrow only one book at a time and keep if for two
weeks if we can"t finish it in time we may come and renwe it there "s a reading room in the library it"s bright and clean we can read maga zines and newspapers there but we can"t take any of them out.的意思
人气:129 ℃ 时间:2019-11-25 13:40:29
当我们借书的时候,我们必须遵守规则,我们一次只能借一本书,而且只能借两个礼拜.当我们不能及时看完时我们,图书馆有一间阅读室,我们可以来这继续看.阅读室很明亮并且干净,我们可以看杂志和报纸,但不能把它们带出图书馆.this isourschoollibraryit"s abusyplaceit"sopenfrom8:30to11:30inthemoringandfrom2:30to4:30intheafternoon ourschoollibraryisn"tverybig onlythereassistanteworkthereinthelibrarywecanfindallkindofbooks butfewofthemareenglish weoftencomehereandborroworreturnbooksafter class的意思这是我们学校的图书馆,它是一个忙碌的地方。图书馆上午从8:30开放到11:30,下午从2:30开放到4:30。我们学校的图书馆不是很大,只有助手在这工作时我们才能找到所有种类的书,但是一些是英文书。我们课后常来这借书或是还书。
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