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《我未来的家》 英语作文
人气:348 ℃ 时间:2019-10-03 08:44:31
I want a villa ,with a big pool ,abasketballplayground and a garden . because i lovemyfamily,andmy parentslikeflowers and green trees, myboyfriendlikesplaying basketball , and ilikeswimmmingandbeautifulplants .Soi wanta big andpretty house , which fullofloving and colourfullife .
Ihope thisvilla has three floors .The firstfloorhasa livingroom, awashing roomand a kitchen.The second floor has four rooms,oneisour bedroom,one ismy parents' room ,oneismy husbandparents' roomand oneis my schoolroom.The thirdfloor has tworoomsfortheguests,aroomforplayingbilliards,and a roomfor entertainment,suchas playing majiang.
We will feed two dogs. onename is'AoAo'and theothers is'XiuXiu'.Their namestogether means it nevergive uptillbiting the bad man death. That menaswe'll get over everydifficulty,try our best ,making us togetherand love each other forever!
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