When he went to buy some foods for lunch,in front of the store,he suddenly discovered that he lost his wallet,he had to starve this afternoon.When he got home in the evening,he found that his small black cat,Cross,was ran away,but he couldn't do anything.He was really sad.Unfortunately,before the dinner,he suddenly discovered that there wasn't any salt!And he didn't want to go out,so he had to eat pasta with tomato sauce for the dinner.What a poor people he is!
人气:152 ℃ 时间:2020-09-21 17:37:54
When he went to buy some foods for lunch,in front of the store,he suddenly discovered that he lost his wallet - he had to starve this afternoon.When he got home in the evening,he found that his small black cat,Cross,had run away,but he couldn't do anything.He was really sad.Unfortunately,before the dinner,he suddenly discovered that there wasn't any salt left!Because he didn't want to go out,he had to eat pasta with tomato sauce for the dinner.What a poor people he was!
几个小错,你对比一下吧Because when he was out of the house and got ready for work, he fell in a puddle edge and fell into the puddle, he got a mud. 这句呢?语法上没错其实,但是And大写放句首真的很奇怪,这样舒服一些。---就是and 本身表示的是和上面连着意思的,但是句号又表示意思分开...and 不通常放句首的,其实but也是。Also放句首倒是比较多
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