Ozone,a special form of oxygen that screens out harmful ultraviolet rays,reaches high concentrations twelve miles above Earth,where it has long appeared that it was immune from human influence; we have now realized,though,that emissions of industrial chlorofluorocarbons deplete the ozone layer
.(A) has long appeared that it was immune from
(B) has long appeared to have been immune from
(C) has long appeared as being immune to
(D) had long appeared immune to
(E) had long appeared that it was immune to
人气:145 ℃ 时间:2020-09-23 09:09:06
appear 这个动词的定义之一,“被视为(be perceived)”,正是在这条长句中应当被理解的意思.
在这个前提下,后面直接跟形容词 immune to 即可.
答案应该选 (D)不懂,请详细解释。。换句结构简单的来举例: She appears happy.她看来很开心。一条简单句不需要写成 She appears that she is happy. 这样的复合句。 这也就是所谓 “wordy",appear 一个单词就足以表达。Ozone had long appeared immune to human influence.总觉得怪怪的,就觉得appeared后面应该加点什么,读起来很别扭,这句话句子成分是怎样的啊?这句从成分上而言,我上面举的例子再补充点就完全一样了: She appears immune to German measles.她看来对德国麻疹具有免疫力。 时态不去管它,你句中主语是 Ozone 谓语 (had long) appeared 后面接表语 immune to ... 你觉得别扭的部分原因可能在于完成时态,当中又还插了个long 加强语气,和 appear 是没关系的。