> 英语 >
10.The Deer And The Hunter(鹿和葡萄树)

In a forest, a hunter was chasing a deerand almost shot him.
The deer was running for his life, andfinally he hid himself in grape leaves. When the hunter came up, he couldn'tfind the deer. "That's weird. I saw it run in this way, but I can't findit now," The hunter said. As he couldn't find the deer, he leftdisappointedly.
Seeing the hunter leave, the deerthought, "That was close. I almost got killed. Now, I'm kind ofhungry." Then, he looked up and saw the green grape leaves. Since the deerwas so hungry, he ate the leaves right away.
However, he made a sound when he was eating.The hunter heard the sound because he hadn't gone too far. Thus, the huntertook out an arrow and shot the deer. When the deer was dying, he regretfullysaid, "I asked for it. Those leaves saved my life and I shouldn't eatthem."
人气:160 ℃ 时间:2019-09-17 00:42:36
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