人气:476 ℃ 时间:2019-11-06 16:32:18
The most important thing for me to choose my friends is to choose people with common interest and goals.We are worth to make friends with people that we choose to be friends with for life therefore we need to have common interest.Also ,it is worth to make friends with person we can feel comfortable with no matter where we are or what the subject may be.It is important that we choose friends with goals.We who don't know who we are or what we may become,but at least a life sponging on our parents and friends.When choosing friends it is very important that we surround our self with people of similar religious beliefs.By doing this our friends will share our conscious and we will have good,clean,fun when we are together.Its also nice to have a friend on our age that we can talk to about things and we understand.
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