> 英语 >
今天我明白了一个道理,那就是如果你想整天没事地站在那里,那你就必须站得足够高.所以从现在开始我必须严厉地训练自己,让自己变得更强大、站得更高.最近这段时间我花了太多钱了,该省省了.经过这几天的观察,我发现她对我好像没什么意思,但是她之前对我说过的话和做过的动作让我感觉这件事不简单,也或许是我想太多了,算了别想太多了,每天保持好心情.Today I realized that if you want to stand there all day,you must be stand high enough,so I have to practise myself hardly from now on,which can make me stronger and stand higher.I spend much money recently,I think it's time to save money instead of wasting it .Through the observation of these days,I found that she didn't seem to care about me at all.Nevertheless, I always think it isn't a simple thing because of her behavior she did and words she said before .Or I just think too much.hehe.Forgot it ,do not think too much.Having a good mood every day
人气:159 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 19:11:20
1 "我明白了一个道理" It occurred to me that.句型较好"整天没事地站在那里" 译成"stand there all day" 太拘泥于表面形式了!为什么不意译成"keep an idle life_style 2 "必须" 译成have to较合英语习惯 must be st...
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