> 英语 >
今天我们和其他班打了一场比赛.我打得很差.在那之后,我终于意识到了一直以来我都很自大,以为自己很厉害和看不起别人,从不去训练.我应该改正,向别人请教不再自大.不过说真的,我现在已经对篮球已经没什么兴趣了,因为它对我以后没什么用处,我现在已经很少打了,只是当做锻炼一下身体.我今天总是很懒散,很失望啊.Today we played a basketball match with other class,I played badly.After that,I have already realized that I am always arrogant because I often think I am very powerful and look down on others,never have a training.From now on,I am supposed to correct myself,asking others and not being arrogant any more.To be honest,I am not intresited in basketball already because it has nothing to do with my future.I seldom play it now,just play it as exercise.So disappointed because I am so idle today
人气:314 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 19:11:53
our class played a basketball match with another today and i played really terrible. I finally realized that i have always been so arrogant, so self-complacent that i used to keeing looking down on others and refusing to traning. Ithink i need to correct myself and learn from others. But seriously, basketball seems to have no interest to me anymore because i can't find any value of it to my future. Besides, i seldom played it for now and just take it as a way of exercising. Today i have being really sluggish and i hate it!
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