Students social practice
Every thing have two sides.
In recent years,schools began to focus on student's practice ability in China.
I think this is good for some students to accumulate experience.
It is important for them in the future.
However,it is not work for every school or every student.
Blindly assigned to students in the school internship.
In my school,I have to go to social practice and write the paper that at least three thousand in every summer vacation and winter vacation.
This is interpreted as a practice.
But,how do you interprete the time we waste.
In that time ,we do not have anything to do without stay there.
If we can make use these time to reading ,writing or learning ,we will be better .
At the same time,how do you write your paper when do not have anything to do expcept nonsense.
To my point of view,the major basic of school is what is the function starting and how much time spend in the function.
If not considerate in this thing,please do not assign student internship for instance.
The most thing of student is adopt a definite major purpose.
It is a turn signal for us have to spend eight times vacation in it.
人气:469 ℃ 时间:2020-03-26 03:12:49
Everything Has Two Sides.In recent years,schools in China began to focus on student's practice ability.I think this is good for some students to accumulate experience,which is of great importance for ...
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