1 爱尔兰是一个西欧国家,与英国隔海相望,它有5000多年历史,是一个有着悠久历史的国家.
1 Ireland is a western European countries With the British Turkie,it has 5000 years of history and with a long history.
2 爱尔兰经济在欧洲名列前茅.
2 the Irish economy are among the best in Europe.
It is also one of the fastest economic development countries in the world,per capita GDP 16th in the world.
3 爱尔兰首都位于都柏林,都柏林被誉为“欧洲硅谷”.
3 the capital in Dublin,Ireland Dublin is known as "silicon valley" in Europe.
4 爱尔兰音乐非常著名,爱尔兰竖琴是世界上最古老的竖琴,爱尔兰国徽的图案是竖琴,甚至在美国的俚语里,爱尔兰人就叫做“竖琴”.
4 the Irish music is very famous,Irish harp is the world's oldest harp,the patterns of the national emblem of Ireland is a harp,even in American slang,Irish people are called "harp".