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TPO-1 Independent writing task
At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.

Nowadays, there is a debate about whether sports and social activities are as important as classes and libraries, I’m shocked by the distance between different thought of people, in my opinion there is no doubt that sports and social activities is important and should acquire equal finance support as classes and libraries, the reason as follow.

First of all, developing the sports and social activities can reduce the rate of psychological problem in the college students. In my university, students suicide appear every year, to my surprise, these youth chose to die only for some problem that is very prevalent among college student. Such as diverging with her (or his) lover, missing a good chance of work, having a bad relationship of chums and so on. These problem have a long distance to serious, but so many beautiful life lost because of them, the essential problem is students’ vulanarat heart, they cannot breakthrough the dilemma, and why them cannot do it is that they lackof experience. If a student can have more chance to touch the real society, to communicate with other people who have experience, they will know how to cope with the depression. On the other hand, sport and social activities also can distract people attention and reduce their press.

Second, the social activities have a function which classes and libraries is hard to instead, strengthen the ability of knowledge application. Clearly,sports and social activities in the universities and colleges provide students with a perfect setting to practice their social skills.I remember a few days before, a American senior students invent a sort of paper which can testing decades of cancer shocking all over the world, how he success is also make people feel incredible, he just learn by
himself and test again and again, no class, no teacher, what teach him is the experiment. So, theory is a guide, practice is the way to success. Regardless how much knowledge a students get, if he can not apply them in his life and work, it is useless. Theories and practice are the two arms of succeed, of course, they should have a equal status.

Finance supply is a important resource of college and university developing, how to allocate it is a vital strategy. As we said above, sports and social activities play equal
important roles as classes and libraries, should acquire the same supporting.
人气:345 ℃ 时间:2020-05-25 12:45:38
At universities and colleges,sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.Nowadays,there is a debate about whether sports and ...
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