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Intuition also suggests that buyers of a good imported from abroad will be hurt by a tariff. Consumers end up paying a higher price, or buying less of the product, or both. Again, we can use demand and supply analysis to calculate the consumer loss.
First, let's return to the free-trade situation (before the tariff is imposed) shown in Figure 7.1. With free trade domestic consumers buy D0 bikes at the world price of $300. Recall from Chapter 2 that consumer surplus is the amount that consumers gain from being able to buy bikes at the going market price. Graphically, consumer surplus is the area below the demand curve and above marker price line. To see this, recall that the demand curve tells us the highest price that some consumer is willing to pay for each additional bike. Thus, according to the demand curve in Figure 7.1, some consumer is willing to pay $540 for the first bike (at point F). This consumer receives a net gain (consumer surplus) of $240 on that first unit. As we go down the demand curve from point F to point E, we find that the vertical distances between the demand curve and the world price of $300 show us the bargains that these consumers are getting. These consumers pay less for bikes than the maximum amount they would have been willing to pay. By summing the net gain on each unit purchased, we see that the entire area (FEC) between the demand curve and the $300price line tells us the total amount of consumer surplus.
人气:317 ℃ 时间:2020-05-29 16:40:48
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