1.The soldiers were e____ with the latest weapons.
2.Our teacher didn't leave the office until he finished the work.(保持原句意思)
Our teacher____ the office ____ he finished the work.
3.People have different hobbies,but to take pictures is familiar to nearly all.It is easy to take good pictures if you follow a simple rule.Before you take a picture think about it.Be sure you are close enough to you subject .A pretty face against is a plain background,for example,makes a good picture.But a small figure lost among trees and clouds has not i___.ln a landscape scene ,try to keep at least two-thirds of the pictures above line.Study pictures in newspapers and books.Try to see why some are better than others.Use what you learn to improve your own pictures,and you will find more fun.
4.I studied in the USA for a year.I a____ a school called Henderson Middle School.There are many differences between Chinese schools and American ones.Even the school buildings are different.School buildings are usually much taller in China and we also have more w____ in our classrooms.Because of that,I think I p____ Chinese school buildings.
人气:254 ℃ 时间:2020-05-04 06:03:17
1.equiped 就这些了 是对的
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