“Go up this street to the end. ” 和 “Go along this street and turn left at the first crossing.”
什么时候用Go up,什么时候用Go along
人气:158 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 22:42:26
GO uP 径直走到底,go along 沿着.走go along再讲详细点主要意思有三种。 进行;支持;前进;赞同。 我每个意思造个句吧 1(进行)Go along this street 。 沿着这条街走下去2(支持)I will go along with you on this point.在这个点上我支持你的看法3(前进)You need watch your feet as you go along。当你前进时 注意你的脚下4(赞同)I often go along her.我经常顺着她的意思 建议你在手机下个有道词典 对您的英语学习很有帮助。我也在用