> 英语 >
Tony do well in math and science意思?
john:HIstory.I really hate history.I can't do it.And my teacher said he would call you.he wants to put me in the front of the class.No way!
Father:Ok,I'll talk to him about it.what did your chinese teacher say?
john:Oh,he said I was the best spesker in class.
Father:Ok,I'll do that.
John:Yes,it is And you know I really enjoy chinese.
人气:297 ℃ 时间:2020-03-19 09:45:18
托尼的数学及自然科学很好帮我翻译一下这对话,谢谢Father:so john,you had a talk with your teachers this week ,Is that really true?John:well,some good,some bad...you know?Father:I'm happy to hear thatJohn:Ok,my math teacher said I was doing well,and my English teacher said my work was good Father:what are you going to do ?And what was so bad then?还有,没打完,没位置了,分段发,谢谢你啦Father:so john,you had a talk with your teachers this week ,Is that really true?父亲:那么,约翰,这周你与老师谈过话,是真的吗?John:well,some good,some bad...you know?约翰:哦,你知道。。。有好,有坏。。。Father:I'm happy to hear that父亲:听到这些我很高兴John:Ok,my math teacher said I was doing well,and my English teacher said my work was good 约翰:好,我数学老师说我做的很好,英语老师说我也做得很好Father:what are you going to do ?And what was so bad then?父亲:你要做什么?那么什么这么差?
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