Hi,here i am now~
Sorry for this late visiting.Just as what you said,I am so busy these days.I have to prepare for 5 exams and moreover,I have TA work to do TT I just went back from my office and you know what,it is already 1:30 am when I came back!There is too much snow outside that I can hardly keep balance.It took me 20 minutes to come back.Can you image the snow up to your knee?Hope this storm can stop soon.Actually,my American friends here told me that it is just a beginning..TT.
How about Take care~
BTW,i love this song:your were my everying~I also have that song
人气:130 ℃ 时间:2020-09-17 06:51:00
喜,在这里,我现在〜 !对不起,这么晚了来访的.正如你所说的,我这么忙,这些天.我已作好准备,5检查,而且,我有电讯局长工作要做,信息交流中心,我只是回到我的办公室,你知道是什么时,已经是上午01点30分,当我回来了...