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英语:关于being done的用法问题
请举几个像Being badly wounded,the whale soon died这句一样的关于being done 句子,done的用法,通俗点,
人气:404 ℃ 时间:2020-01-29 03:12:19
Being done 的用法涉及动名词(gerund)和现在分词(the present participle) 两种.动名词的被动式在句子中充当主语、宾语和表语等,其功能相当于名词或代词;现在分词的被动式在句子中充当状语、定语等.就其用法归纳如下:
1.动名词的被动式有两种:being +过去分词;having been +过去分词.“having been +过去分词”就是“being + 过去分词”的完成体.例如:
1) 每个人都喜欢得到赞美.
Everybody likes ____________.(Key:being praised)
2) 在班上被嘲笑使得他恼羞成怒.
___________in the class made him angry.(Key:Being laughed at)
I remember ____________ the story.(Key:having been heard)
在need/want/require (需要)和be worth(值得)等词后面,动名词的主动形式表示被动意义.例如:
1) 这件事需要调查.
The matter requires __________.(Key:being looked into)
= The matter requires to be looked into.
2) 这本书值得一读.
The book is worth __________ .(Key:reading )
= The book is worthy of being read.
现在分词的被动式也有两种:being +过去分词(强调事情正在发生),通常在句子中作定语和状语.having + been + 过去分词(强调事情已经发生),通常在句子中作状语.例如:
1) 她正接受提问,感到有点紧张.
________to answer the question,she felt a little nervous.(Key:Being asked)
2) 这么好的机会给了你,你怎么能一点也不珍惜呢?
__________ such a good chance,how could you not value it at all?(Key:Having been given)
作定语时,“being +过去分词” 表示正在进行的动作;having been done 表示过去或已经完成的动作;to be done 表示将要发生的动作.例如:
3) 正在建造的房屋,完工后将用作我们的图书馆.The house _______will be our library upon its completion.(Key:being built)有being done的句子一般用什么时态一般 将来时那为什么这句是过去时在班上被嘲笑使得他恼羞成怒。 ___________in the class made him angry. (Key: Being laughed at)
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