what is white when it is dirty 猜猜what是什么
人气:454 ℃ 时间:2019-12-13 18:15:03
blackboard 黑板
- Whatis biack when it is clean and white when it isdirty?
- What is black when it is clean white when it is dirty?
- 智力测试What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?
- 【what is clean when it black ,and white when it is dirty.
- What is clean when it is blanck and dirty when it is white?
- 已知a,b,c分别是三角形中角ABC的对边,且Sin平方A+sin平方C-SIN平方B=sinAsinc ,c=3a,求tanA的值
- 设A={X=2K,K属于Z},B={X=2K+1,K属于Z},C{X=2(K+1),K属于Z},D={X=2K-1,K属于Z}.
- 在山中访友一课,从哪些描写中可以看出“我”和山里的“朋友”有着深厚的感情?你是否也有过类似的体验?