since the end of the previous financial period,no director has received or become entitled to receive a benefit which is required to be disclosed under the Act,by reason of a contract made by the company or related corporation with the director or with a firm of which he is a member,or with a company in which he has a substantial financial interest except as disclosed in the financial statement.
人气:129 ℃ 时间:2020-04-13 17:14:49
- 某人游览风景区,先乘坐摩托艇顺流而下,然后逆流返回,已知水流速度是每小时3千米摩托艇在静水中的速度势18千米,为了使游览时间不超过3小时,且不少于2小时,此人走出的范围是多少?
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- abc bbc cctv nmtv voa pc am pm un sos ac dc cd bc cbs cIa dna fbI
- 一个体积是385立方厘米的长方体,长、宽、高都是质数,它的表面积的一半是_平方厘米.
- 已知函数f(x)(x不等于0),对于任意非零实数x,y,满足f(xy)=f(x)+f(y).
- “Has he seen this film?” __"yes.He _____it several days ago." a,saw b.had seen