> 英语 >
People who engage in scuba diving are healthier,on average,than people who do not engage in this activity.Therefore,scuba diving tends to promote improved health.
The argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it
(A)presupposes that everyone who takes up scuba diving does so solely for health reasons
(B)leads to a further and falsifiable conclusion that no one can achieve good health without engaging in scuba diving
(C)fails to point out that a small number of people are seriously injured in scuba diving accidents each year
(D)treats a precondition for improving one‘s health as though it were something that by itself could ensure good health
(E)overlooks the possibility that people generally do not take up scuba diving unless they are in good health
人气:179 ℃ 时间:2020-04-18 03:07:33
precondition 是先决条件 就是干什么事情之前需要有的条件
按照D选项,treats a precondition for improving one's health as something which ensures good health,我们从题目中知道作者认为是scuba diving promotes health,也就是ensures health,但是我们知道scuba diving 并不是 good health 的precondition,所以不对喽.这种看似好像说的很有道理的选项要仔细推敲清楚了.
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